Binom: Binomial Queues
Required Reading
Require Import Coq.Strings.String.
From VFA Require Import Perm.
From VFA Require Import Priqueue.
Module BinomQueue <: PRIQUEUE.
Definition key := nat.
Inductive tree : Type :=
| Node: key -> tree -> tree -> tree
| Leaf : tree.
A priority queue (using the binomial queues data structure) is a
list of trees. The i'th element of the list is either Leaf or
it is a power-of-2-heap with exactly 2^i nodes.
This program will make sense to you if you've read the Sedgewick
reading; otherwise it is rather mysterious.
Definition priqueue := list tree.
Definition empty : priqueue := nil.
Definition smash (t u: tree) : tree :=
match t , u with
| Node x t1 Leaf, Node y u1 Leaf =>
if x >? y then Node x (Node y u1 t1) Leaf
else Node y (Node x t1 u1) Leaf
| _ , _ => Leaf
Fixpoint carry (q: list tree) (t: tree) : list tree :=
match q, t with
| nil, Leaf => nil
| nil, _ => t :: nil
| Leaf :: q', _ => t :: q'
| u :: q', Leaf => u :: q'
| u :: q', _ => Leaf :: carry q' (smash t u)
Definition insert (x: key) (q: priqueue) : priqueue :=
carry q (Node x Leaf Leaf).
Eval compute in fold_left (fun x q =>insert q x) [3;1;4;1;5;9;2;3;5] empty.
Fixpoint join (p q: priqueue) (c: tree) : priqueue :=
match p, q, c with
[], _ , _ => carry q c
| _, [], _ => carry p c
| Leaf::p', Leaf::q', _ => c :: join p' q' Leaf
| Leaf::p', q1::q', Leaf => q1 :: join p' q' Leaf
| Leaf::p', q1::q', Node _ _ _ => Leaf :: join p' q' (smash c q1)
| p1::p', Leaf::q', Leaf => p1 :: join p' q' Leaf
| p1::p', Leaf::q',Node _ _ _ => Leaf :: join p' q' (smash c p1)
| p1::p', q1::q', _ => c :: join p' q' (smash p1 q1)
Fixpoint unzip (t: tree) (cont: priqueue -> priqueue) : priqueue :=
match t with
| Node x t1 t2 => unzip t2 (fun q => Node x t1 Leaf :: cont q)
| Leaf => cont nil
Definition heap_delete_max (t: tree) : priqueue :=
match t with
Node x t1 Leaf => unzip t1 (fun u => u)
| _ => nil
Fixpoint find_max' (current: key) (q: priqueue) : key :=
match q with
| [] => current
| Leaf::q' => find_max' current q'
| Node x _ _ :: q' => find_max' (if x >? current then x else current) q'
Fixpoint find_max (q: priqueue) : option key :=
match q with
| [] => None
| Leaf::q' => find_max q'
| Node x _ _ :: q' => Some (find_max' x q')
Fixpoint delete_max_aux (m: key) (p: priqueue) : priqueue * priqueue :=
match p with
| Leaf :: p' => let (j,k) := delete_max_aux m p' in (Leaf::j, k)
| Node x t1 Leaf :: p' =>
if m >? x
then (let (j,k) := delete_max_aux m p'
in (Node x t1 Leaf::j,k))
else (Leaf::p', heap_delete_max (Node x t1 Leaf))
| _ => (nil, nil)
Definition delete_max (q: priqueue) : option (key * priqueue) :=
match find_max q with
| None => None
| Some m => let (p',q') := delete_max_aux m q
in Some (m, join p' q' Leaf)
Definition merge (p q: priqueue) := join p q Leaf.
Fixpoint pow2heap' (n: nat) (m: key) (t: tree) :=
match n, m, t with
0, m, Leaf => True
| 0, m, Node _ _ _ => False
| S _, m,Leaf => False
| S n', m, Node k l r =>
m >= k /\ pow2heap' n' k l /\ pow2heap' n' m r
Definition pow2heap (n: nat) (t: tree) :=
match t with
Node m t1 Leaf => pow2heap' n m t1
| _ => False
Fixpoint priq' (i: nat) (l: list tree) : Prop :=
match l with
| t :: l' => (t=Leaf \/ pow2heap i t) /\ priq' (S i) l'
| nil => True
q is a binomial heap
Various Functions Preserve the Representation Invariant
Exercise: 1 star (empty_priq)
Theorem smash_valid:
forall n t u, pow2heap n t -> pow2heap n u -> pow2heap (S n) (smash t u).
forall n t u, pow2heap n t -> pow2heap n u -> pow2heap (S n) (smash t u).
Theorem carry_valid:
forall n q, priq' n q ->
forall t, (t=Leaf \/ pow2heap n t) -> priq' n (carry q t).
forall n q, priq' n q ->
forall t, (t=Leaf \/ pow2heap n t) -> priq' n (carry q t).
Theorem join_valid: forall p q c n, priq' n p -> priq' n q -> (c=Leaf \/ pow2heap n c) -> priq' n (join p q c).
Theorem merge_priq: forall p q, priq p -> priq q -> priq (merge p q).
intros. unfold merge. apply join_valid; auto.
The Abstraction Relation
Inductive tree_elems: tree -> list key -> Prop :=
| tree_elems_leaf: tree_elems Leaf nil
| tree_elems_node: forall bl br v tl tr b,
tree_elems tl bl ->
tree_elems tr br ->
Permutation b (v::bl++br) ->
tree_elems (Node v tl tr) b.
Exercise: 3 stars (priqueue_elems)
Make an inductive definition, similar to tree_elems, to relate a priority queue "l" to a list of all its elements.Inductive priqueue_elems: list tree -> list key -> Prop :=
Definition manual_grade_for_priqueue_elems : option (prod nat string) := None.
Sanity Checks on the Abstraction Relation
Exercise: 2 stars (tree_elems_ext)
Extensionality theorem for the tree_elems relationTheorem tree_elems_ext: forall t e1 e2,
Permutation e1 e2 -> tree_elems t e1 -> tree_elems t e2.
Theorem tree_perm: forall t e1 e2,
tree_elems t e1 -> tree_elems t e2 -> Permutation e1 e2.
tree_elems t e1 -> tree_elems t e2 -> Permutation e1 e2.
Exercise: 2 stars (priqueue_elems_ext)
To prove priqueue_elems_ext, you should almost be able to cut-and-paste the proof of tree_elems_ext, with just a few edits.Theorem priqueue_elems_ext: forall q e1 e2,
Permutation e1 e2 -> priqueue_elems q e1 -> priqueue_elems q e2.
Theorem abs_perm: forall p al bl,
priq p -> Abs p al -> Abs p bl -> Permutation al bl.
priq p -> Abs p al -> Abs p bl -> Permutation al bl.
Lemma tree_can_relate: forall t, exists al, tree_elems t al.
Theorem can_relate: forall p, priq p -> exists al, Abs p al.
Theorem can_relate: forall p, priq p -> exists al, Abs p al.
Theorem smash_elems: forall n t u bt bu,
pow2heap n t -> pow2heap n u ->
tree_elems t bt -> tree_elems u bu ->
tree_elems (smash t u) (bt ++ bu).
Optional Exercises
Exercise: 4 stars, optional (carry_elems)
Theorem carry_elems:
forall n q, priq' n q ->
forall t, (t=Leaf \/ pow2heap n t) ->
forall eq et, priqueue_elems q eq ->
tree_elems t et ->
priqueue_elems (carry q t) (eq++et).
forall n q, priq' n q ->
forall t, (t=Leaf \/ pow2heap n t) ->
forall eq et, priqueue_elems q eq ->
tree_elems t et ->
priqueue_elems (carry q t) (eq++et).
Theorem join_elems:
forall p q c n,
priq' n p ->
priq' n q ->
(c=Leaf \/ pow2heap n c) ->
forall pe qe ce,
priqueue_elems p pe ->
priqueue_elems q qe ->
tree_elems c ce ->
priqueue_elems (join p q c) (ce++pe++qe).
forall p q c n,
priq' n p ->
priq' n q ->
(c=Leaf \/ pow2heap n c) ->
forall pe qe ce,
priqueue_elems p pe ->
priqueue_elems q qe ->
tree_elems c ce ->
priqueue_elems (join p q c) (ce++pe++qe).
Theorem merge_relate:
forall p q pl ql al,
priq p -> priq q ->
Abs p pl -> Abs q ql -> Abs (merge p q) al ->
Permutation al (pl++ql).
forall p q pl ql al,
priq p -> priq q ->
Abs p pl -> Abs q ql -> Abs (merge p q) al ->
Permutation al (pl++ql).
Theorem delete_max_Some_relate:
forall (p q: priqueue) k (pl ql: list key), priq p ->
Abs p pl ->
delete_max p = Some (k,q) ->
Abs q ql ->
Permutation pl (k::ql) /\ Forall (ge k) ql.
forall (p q: priqueue) k (pl ql: list key), priq p ->
Abs p pl ->
delete_max p = Some (k,q) ->
Abs q ql ->
Permutation pl (k::ql) /\ Forall (ge k) ql.
With the following line, we're done! We have demonstrated that
Binomial Queues are a correct implementation of mergeable
priority queues. That is, we have exhibited a Module BinomQueue
that satisfies the Module Type PRIQUEUE.