Typechecking: STLCの型チェッカ

STLCのhas_type関係は(あるコンテキストのもとで)項が型に属するという意味を定義します。 しかし、それ自体は、項に型付けができるかどうかの「チェック方法」にはなりません。
幸いにも、has_typeを定義する規則は構文指向(syntax directed)です。 つまり、項の形から適用する規則が一つに定まります。 このことから、型付け規則を型チェック「関数」にそのまま変換することができます。 この関数は、項とコンテキストをとり、その項の型を返すか、項が型付けできないという信号を出します。
This short chapter constructs such a function and proves it correct.

Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
From Coq Require Import Bool.Bool.
From PLF Require Import Maps.
From PLF Require Import Smallstep.
From PLF Require Import Stlc.
From PLF Require MoreStlc.

Module STLCTypes.
Export STLC.



Fixpoint eqb_ty (T1 T2:ty) : bool :=
  match T1,T2 with
  | Bool, Bool =>
  | Arrow T11 T12, Arrow T21 T22 =>
      andb (eqb_ty T11 T21) (eqb_ty T12 T22)
  | _,_ =>

... そして、eqb_tyが返すブール値の結果と2つの入力が等しいという論理命題との間の、通常の双方向結合を確立します。

Lemma eqb_ty_refl : forall T1,
  eqb_ty T1 T1 = true.
  intros T1. induction T1; simpl.
    rewrite IHT1_1. rewrite IHT1_2. reflexivity. Qed.

Lemma eqb_ty__eq : forall T1 T2,
  eqb_ty T1 T2 = true -> T1 = T2.
Proof with auto.
  intros T1. induction T1; intros T2 Hbeq; destruct T2; inversion Hbeq.
    rewrite andb_true_iff in H0. inversion H0 as [Hbeq1 Hbeq2].
    apply IHT1_1 in Hbeq1. apply IHT1_2 in Hbeq2. subst... Qed.
End STLCTypes.


型チェッカは、与えられた項の構造をたどって調べ、Some T または None を返します。 部分項の型を調べるために再帰呼び出しをするたびに、結果についてパターンマッチをして、 None でないことを確認します。 appの場合はさらに、パターンマッチングで関数型の矢印の右側と左側を抽出します(そして関数の型が Arrow T11 T12 という形ではないときは失敗します)。

Module FirstTry.
Import STLCTypes.

Fixpoint type_check (Gamma : context) (t : tm) : option ty :=
  match t with
  | var x =>
      Gamma x
  | abs x T11 t12 =>
      match type_check (update Gamma x T11) t12 with
      | Some T12 => Some (Arrow T11 T12)
      | _ => None
  | app t1 t2 =>
      match type_check Gamma t1, type_check Gamma t2 with
      | Some (Arrow T11 T12),Some T2 =>
          if eqb_ty T11 T2 then Some T12 else None
      | _,_ => None
  | tru =>
      Some Bool
  | fls =>
      Some Bool
  | test guard t f =>
      match type_check Gamma guard with
      | Some Bool =>
          match type_check Gamma t, type_check Gamma f with
          | Some T1, Some T2 =>
              if eqb_ty T1 T2 then Some T1 else None
          | _,_ => None
      | _ => None

End FirstTry.

Digression: Improving the Notation

Before we consider the properties of this algorithm, let's write it out again in a cleaner way, using "monadic" notations in the style of Haskell to streamline the plumbing of options. First, we define a notation for composing two potentially failing (i.e., option-returning) computations:

Notation " x <- e1 ;; e2" := (match e1 with
                              | Some x => e2
                              | None => None
         (right associativity, at level 60).

Second, we define return and fail as synonyms for Some and None:

Notation " 'return' e "
  := (Some e) (at level 60).

Notation " 'fail' "
  := None.

Module STLCChecker.
Import STLCTypes.

Now we can write the same type-checking function in a more imperative-looking style using these notations.

Fixpoint type_check (Gamma : context) (t : tm) : option ty :=
  match t with
  | var x =>
      match Gamma x with
      | Some T => return T
      | None => fail
  | abs x T11 t12 =>
      T12 <- type_check (update Gamma x T11) t12 ;;
      return (Arrow T11 T12)
  | app t1 t2 =>
      T1 <- type_check Gamma t1 ;;
      T2 <- type_check Gamma t2 ;;
      match T1 with
      | Arrow T11 T12 =>
          if eqb_ty T11 T2 then return T12 else fail
      | _ => fail
  | tru =>
      return Bool
  | fls =>
      return Bool
  | test guard t1 t2 =>
      Tguard <- type_check Gamma guard ;;
      T1 <- type_check Gamma t1 ;;
      T2 <- type_check Gamma t2 ;;
      match Tguard with
      | Bool =>
          if eqb_ty T1 T2 then return T1 else fail
      | _ => fail


この型チェックアルゴリズムが正しいことを検証するため、この関数がオリジナルのhas_type関係について「健全(sound)」かつ「完全(complete)」であることを示します。 つまり、type_checkhas_typeが同じ部分関数を定義することです。

Theorem type_checking_sound : forall Gamma t T,
  type_check Gamma t = Some T -> has_type Gamma t T.
Proof with eauto.
  intros Gamma t. generalize dependent Gamma.
  induction t; intros Gamma T Htc; inversion Htc.
  - rename s into x. destruct (Gamma x) eqn:H.
    rename t into T'. inversion H0. subst. eauto. solve_by_invert.
    remember (type_check Gamma t1) as TO1.
    destruct TO1 as [T1|]; try solve_by_invert;
    destruct T1 as [|T11 T12]; try solve_by_invert;
    remember (type_check Gamma t2) as TO2;
    destruct TO2 as [T2|]; try solve_by_invert.
    destruct (eqb_ty T11 T2) eqn: Heqb.
    apply eqb_ty__eq in Heqb.
    inversion H0; subst...
    inversion H0.
    rename s into x. rename t into T1.
    remember (update Gamma x T1) as G'.
    remember (type_check G' t0) as TO2.
    destruct TO2; try solve_by_invert.
    inversion H0; subst...
  - eauto.
  - eauto.
    remember (type_check Gamma t1) as TOc.
    remember (type_check Gamma t2) as TO1.
    remember (type_check Gamma t3) as TO2.
    destruct TOc as [Tc|]; try solve_by_invert.
    destruct Tc; try solve_by_invert;
    destruct TO1 as [T1|]; try solve_by_invert;
    destruct TO2 as [T2|]; try solve_by_invert.
    destruct (eqb_ty T1 T2) eqn:Heqb;
    try solve_by_invert.
    apply eqb_ty__eq in Heqb.
    inversion H0. subst. subst...

Theorem type_checking_complete : forall Gamma t T,
  has_type Gamma t T -> type_check Gamma t = Some T.
Proof with auto.
  intros Gamma t T Hty.
  induction Hty; simpl.
  - destruct (Gamma x0) eqn:H0; assumption.
  - rewrite IHHty...
    rewrite IHHty1. rewrite IHHty2.
    rewrite (eqb_ty_refl T11)...
  - eauto.
  - eauto.
  - rewrite IHHty1. rewrite IHHty2.
    rewrite IHHty3. rewrite (eqb_ty_refl T)...

End STLCChecker.


Exercise: 5 stars, standard (typechecker_extensions)

In this exercise we'll extend the typechecker to deal with the extended features discussed in chapter MoreStlc. Your job is to fill in the omitted cases in the following.

Module TypecheckerExtensions.
Definition manual_grade_for_type_checking_sound : option (nat*string) := None.
Definition manual_grade_for_type_checking_complete : option (nat*string) := None.
Import MoreStlc.
Import STLCExtended.

Fixpoint eqb_ty (T1 T2 : ty) : bool :=
  match T1,T2 with
  | Nat, Nat =>
  | Unit, Unit =>
  | Arrow T11 T12, Arrow T21 T22 =>
      andb (eqb_ty T11 T21) (eqb_ty T12 T22)
  | Prod T11 T12, Prod T21 T22 =>
      andb (eqb_ty T11 T21) (eqb_ty T12 T22)
  | Sum T11 T12, Sum T21 T22 =>
      andb (eqb_ty T11 T21) (eqb_ty T12 T22)
  | List T11, List T21 =>
      eqb_ty T11 T21
  | _,_ =>

Lemma eqb_ty_refl : forall T1,
  eqb_ty T1 T1 = true.
  intros T1.
  induction T1; simpl;
    try reflexivity;
    try (rewrite IHT1_1; rewrite IHT1_2; reflexivity);
    try (rewrite IHT1; reflexivity). Qed.

Lemma eqb_ty__eq : forall T1 T2,
  eqb_ty T1 T2 = true -> T1 = T2.
  intros T1.
  induction T1; intros T2 Hbeq; destruct T2; inversion Hbeq;
    try reflexivity;
    try (rewrite andb_true_iff in H0; inversion H0 as [Hbeq1 Hbeq2];
         apply IHT1_1 in Hbeq1; apply IHT1_2 in Hbeq2; subst; auto);
    try (apply IHT1 in Hbeq; subst; auto).

Fixpoint type_check (Gamma : context) (t : tm) : option ty :=
  match t with
  | var x =>
      match Gamma x with
      | Some T => return T
      | None => fail
  | abs x1 T1 t2 =>
      T2 <- type_check (update Gamma x1 T1) t2 ;;
      return (Arrow T1 T2)
  | app t1 t2 =>
      T1 <- type_check Gamma t1 ;;
      T2 <- type_check Gamma t2 ;;
      match T1 with
      | Arrow T11 T12 =>
          if eqb_ty T11 T2 then return T12 else fail
      | _ => fail
  | const _ =>
      return Nat
  | scc t1 =>
      T1 <- type_check Gamma t1 ;;
      match T1 with
      | Nat => return Nat
      | _ => fail
  | prd t1 =>
      T1 <- type_check Gamma t1 ;;
      match T1 with
      | Nat => return Nat
      | _ => fail
  | mlt t1 t2 =>
      T1 <- type_check Gamma t1 ;;
      T2 <- type_check Gamma t2 ;;
      match T1, T2 with
      | Nat, Nat => return Nat
      | _,_ => fail
  | test0 guard t f =>
      Tguard <- type_check Gamma guard ;;
      T1 <- type_check Gamma t ;;
      T2 <- type_check Gamma f ;;
      match Tguard with
      | Nat => if eqb_ty T1 T2 then return T1 else fail
      | _ => fail

  | tlcase t0 t1 x21 x22 t2 =>
      match type_check Gamma t0 with
      | Some (List T) =>
          match type_check Gamma t1,
                type_check (update (update Gamma x22 (List T)) x21 T) t2 with
          | Some T1', Some T2' =>
              if eqb_ty T1' T2' then Some T1' else None
          | _,_ => None
      | _ => None
  | _ => None

Just for fun, we'll do the soundness proof with just a bit more automation than above, using these "mega-tactics":

Ltac invert_typecheck Gamma t T :=
  remember (type_check Gamma t) as TO;
  destruct TO as [T|];
  try solve_by_invert; try (inversion H0; eauto); try (subst; eauto).

Ltac analyze T T1 T2 :=
  destruct T as [T1 T2| |T1 T2|T1| |T1 T2]; try solve_by_invert.

Ltac fully_invert_typecheck Gamma t T T1 T2 :=
  let TX := fresh T in
  remember (type_check Gamma t) as TO;
  destruct TO as [TX|]; try solve_by_invert;
  destruct TX as [T1 T2| |T1 T2|T1| |T1 T2];
  try solve_by_invert; try (inversion H0; eauto); try (subst; eauto).

Ltac case_equality S T :=
  destruct (eqb_ty S T) eqn: Heqb;
  inversion H0; apply eqb_ty__eq in Heqb; subst; subst; eauto.

Theorem type_checking_sound : forall Gamma t T,
  type_check Gamma t = Some T -> has_type Gamma t T.
Proof with eauto.
  intros Gamma t. generalize dependent Gamma.
  induction t; intros Gamma T Htc; inversion Htc.
  - rename s into x. destruct (Gamma x) eqn:H.
    rename t into T'. inversion H0. subst. eauto. solve_by_invert.
    invert_typecheck Gamma t1 T1.
    invert_typecheck Gamma t2 T2.
    analyze T1 T11 T12.
    case_equality T11 T2.
    rename s into x. rename t into T1.
    remember (update Gamma x T1) as Gamma'.
    invert_typecheck Gamma' t0 T0.
  - eauto.
    rename t into t1.
    fully_invert_typecheck Gamma t1 T1 T11 T12.
    rename t into t1.
    fully_invert_typecheck Gamma t1 T1 T11 T12.
    invert_typecheck Gamma t1 T1.
    invert_typecheck Gamma t2 T2.
    analyze T1 T11 T12; analyze T2 T21 T22.
    inversion H0. subst. eauto.
    invert_typecheck Gamma t1 T1.
    invert_typecheck Gamma t2 T2.
    invert_typecheck Gamma t3 T3.
    destruct T1; try solve_by_invert.
    case_equality T2 T3.
    rename s into x31. rename s0 into x32.
    fully_invert_typecheck Gamma t1 T1 T11 T12.
    invert_typecheck Gamma t2 T2.
    remember (update (update Gamma x32 (List T11)) x31 T11) as Gamma'2.
    invert_typecheck Gamma'2 t3 T3.
    case_equality T2 T3.

Theorem type_checking_complete : forall Gamma t T,
  has_type Gamma t T -> type_check Gamma t = Some T.
  intros Gamma t T Hty.
  induction Hty; simpl;
    try (rewrite IHHty);
    try (rewrite IHHty1);
    try (rewrite IHHty2);
    try (rewrite IHHty3);
    try (rewrite (eqb_ty_refl T));
    try (rewrite (eqb_ty_refl T1));
    try (rewrite (eqb_ty_refl T2));
  - destruct (Gamma x); try solve_by_invert. eauto.
  Admitted. End TypecheckerExtensions.

Exercise: 5 stars, standard, optional (stlc_step_function)

Above, we showed how to write a typechecking function and prove it sound and complete for the typing relation. Do the same for the operational semantics -- i.e., write a function stepf of type tm -> option tm and prove that it is sound and complete with respect to step from chapter MoreStlc.

Module StepFunction.
Import MoreStlc.
Import STLCExtended.

Fixpoint stepf (t : tm) : option tm
  . Admitted.

Theorem sound_stepf : forall t t',
    stepf t = Some t' -> t --> t'.
Proof. Admitted.

Theorem complete_stepf : forall t t',
    t --> t' -> stepf t = Some t'.
Proof. Admitted.

End StepFunction.

Exercise: 5 stars, standard, optional (stlc_impl)

Using the Imp parser described in the ImpParser chapter of Logical Foundations as a guide, build a parser for extended STLC programs. Combine it with the typechecking and stepping functions from the above exercises to yield a complete typechecker and interpreter for this language.

Module StlcImpl.
Import StepFunction.

End StlcImpl.