Typechecking: STLCの型チェッカ
幸いにも、has_typeを定義する規則は構文指向(syntax directed)です。
This short chapter constructs such a function and proves it
Set Warnings "-notation-overridden,-parsing".
From Coq Require Import Bool.Bool.
From PLF Require Import Maps.
From PLF Require Import Smallstep.
From PLF Require Import Stlc.
From PLF Require MoreStlc.
Module STLCTypes.
Export STLC.
Fixpoint eqb_ty (T1 T2:ty) : bool :=
match T1,T2 with
| Bool, Bool =>
| Arrow T11 T12, Arrow T21 T22 =>
andb (eqb_ty T11 T21) (eqb_ty T12 T22)
| _,_ =>
... そして、eqb_tyが返すブール値の結果と2つの入力が等しいという論理命題との間の、通常の双方向結合を確立します。
Lemma eqb_ty_refl : forall T1,
eqb_ty T1 T1 = true.
intros T1. induction T1; simpl.
rewrite IHT1_1. rewrite IHT1_2. reflexivity. Qed.
Lemma eqb_ty__eq : forall T1 T2,
eqb_ty T1 T2 = true -> T1 = T2.
Proof with auto.
intros T1. induction T1; intros T2 Hbeq; destruct T2; inversion Hbeq.
rewrite andb_true_iff in H0. inversion H0 as [Hbeq1 Hbeq2].
apply IHT1_1 in Hbeq1. apply IHT1_2 in Hbeq2. subst... Qed.
End STLCTypes.
型チェッカは、与えられた項の構造をたどって調べ、Some T または None を返します。
部分項の型を調べるために再帰呼び出しをするたびに、結果についてパターンマッチをして、 None でないことを確認します。
appの場合はさらに、パターンマッチングで関数型の矢印の右側と左側を抽出します(そして関数の型が Arrow T11 T12 という形ではないときは失敗します)。
Module FirstTry.
Import STLCTypes.
Fixpoint type_check (Gamma : context) (t : tm) : option ty :=
match t with
| var x =>
Gamma x
| abs x T11 t12 =>
match type_check (update Gamma x T11) t12 with
| Some T12 => Some (Arrow T11 T12)
| _ => None
| app t1 t2 =>
match type_check Gamma t1, type_check Gamma t2 with
| Some (Arrow T11 T12),Some T2 =>
if eqb_ty T11 T2 then Some T12 else None
| _,_ => None
| tru =>
Some Bool
| fls =>
Some Bool
| test guard t f =>
match type_check Gamma guard with
| Some Bool =>
match type_check Gamma t, type_check Gamma f with
| Some T1, Some T2 =>
if eqb_ty T1 T2 then Some T1 else None
| _,_ => None
| _ => None
End FirstTry.
Digression: Improving the Notation
Notation " x <- e1 ;; e2" := (match e1 with
| Some x => e2
| None => None
(right associativity, at level 60).
Notation " 'return' e "
:= (Some e) (at level 60).
Notation " 'fail' "
:= None.
Module STLCChecker.
Import STLCTypes.
Now we can write the same type-checking function in a more
imperative-looking style using these notations.
Fixpoint type_check (Gamma : context) (t : tm) : option ty :=
match t with
| var x =>
match Gamma x with
| Some T => return T
| None => fail
| abs x T11 t12 =>
T12 <- type_check (update Gamma x T11) t12 ;;
return (Arrow T11 T12)
| app t1 t2 =>
T1 <- type_check Gamma t1 ;;
T2 <- type_check Gamma t2 ;;
match T1 with
| Arrow T11 T12 =>
if eqb_ty T11 T2 then return T12 else fail
| _ => fail
| tru =>
return Bool
| fls =>
return Bool
| test guard t1 t2 =>
Tguard <- type_check Gamma guard ;;
T1 <- type_check Gamma t1 ;;
T2 <- type_check Gamma t2 ;;
match Tguard with
| Bool =>
if eqb_ty T1 T2 then return T1 else fail
| _ => fail
Theorem type_checking_sound : forall Gamma t T,
type_check Gamma t = Some T -> has_type Gamma t T.
Proof with eauto.
intros Gamma t. generalize dependent Gamma.
induction t; intros Gamma T Htc; inversion Htc.
- rename s into x. destruct (Gamma x) eqn:H.
rename t into T'. inversion H0. subst. eauto. solve_by_invert.
remember (type_check Gamma t1) as TO1.
destruct TO1 as [T1|]; try solve_by_invert;
destruct T1 as [|T11 T12]; try solve_by_invert;
remember (type_check Gamma t2) as TO2;
destruct TO2 as [T2|]; try solve_by_invert.
destruct (eqb_ty T11 T2) eqn: Heqb.
apply eqb_ty__eq in Heqb.
inversion H0; subst...
inversion H0.
rename s into x. rename t into T1.
remember (update Gamma x T1) as G'.
remember (type_check G' t0) as TO2.
destruct TO2; try solve_by_invert.
inversion H0; subst...
- eauto.
- eauto.
remember (type_check Gamma t1) as TOc.
remember (type_check Gamma t2) as TO1.
remember (type_check Gamma t3) as TO2.
destruct TOc as [Tc|]; try solve_by_invert.
destruct Tc; try solve_by_invert;
destruct TO1 as [T1|]; try solve_by_invert;
destruct TO2 as [T2|]; try solve_by_invert.
destruct (eqb_ty T1 T2) eqn:Heqb;
try solve_by_invert.
apply eqb_ty__eq in Heqb.
inversion H0. subst. subst...
Theorem type_checking_complete : forall Gamma t T,
has_type Gamma t T -> type_check Gamma t = Some T.
Proof with auto.
intros Gamma t T Hty.
induction Hty; simpl.
- destruct (Gamma x0) eqn:H0; assumption.
- rewrite IHHty...
rewrite IHHty1. rewrite IHHty2.
rewrite (eqb_ty_refl T11)...
- eauto.
- eauto.
- rewrite IHHty1. rewrite IHHty2.
rewrite IHHty3. rewrite (eqb_ty_refl T)...
End STLCChecker.
Exercise: 5 stars, standard (typechecker_extensions)
Module TypecheckerExtensions.
Definition manual_grade_for_type_checking_sound : option (nat*string) := None.
Definition manual_grade_for_type_checking_complete : option (nat*string) := None.
Import MoreStlc.
Import STLCExtended.
Fixpoint eqb_ty (T1 T2 : ty) : bool :=
match T1,T2 with
| Nat, Nat =>
| Unit, Unit =>
| Arrow T11 T12, Arrow T21 T22 =>
andb (eqb_ty T11 T21) (eqb_ty T12 T22)
| Prod T11 T12, Prod T21 T22 =>
andb (eqb_ty T11 T21) (eqb_ty T12 T22)
| Sum T11 T12, Sum T21 T22 =>
andb (eqb_ty T11 T21) (eqb_ty T12 T22)
| List T11, List T21 =>
eqb_ty T11 T21
| _,_ =>
Lemma eqb_ty_refl : forall T1,
eqb_ty T1 T1 = true.
intros T1.
induction T1; simpl;
try reflexivity;
try (rewrite IHT1_1; rewrite IHT1_2; reflexivity);
try (rewrite IHT1; reflexivity). Qed.
Lemma eqb_ty__eq : forall T1 T2,
eqb_ty T1 T2 = true -> T1 = T2.
intros T1.
induction T1; intros T2 Hbeq; destruct T2; inversion Hbeq;
try reflexivity;
try (rewrite andb_true_iff in H0; inversion H0 as [Hbeq1 Hbeq2];
apply IHT1_1 in Hbeq1; apply IHT1_2 in Hbeq2; subst; auto);
try (apply IHT1 in Hbeq; subst; auto).
Fixpoint type_check (Gamma : context) (t : tm) : option ty :=
match t with
| var x =>
match Gamma x with
| Some T => return T
| None => fail
| abs x1 T1 t2 =>
T2 <- type_check (update Gamma x1 T1) t2 ;;
return (Arrow T1 T2)
| app t1 t2 =>
T1 <- type_check Gamma t1 ;;
T2 <- type_check Gamma t2 ;;
match T1 with
| Arrow T11 T12 =>
if eqb_ty T11 T2 then return T12 else fail
| _ => fail
| const _ =>
return Nat
| scc t1 =>
T1 <- type_check Gamma t1 ;;
match T1 with
| Nat => return Nat
| _ => fail
| prd t1 =>
T1 <- type_check Gamma t1 ;;
match T1 with
| Nat => return Nat
| _ => fail
| mlt t1 t2 =>
T1 <- type_check Gamma t1 ;;
T2 <- type_check Gamma t2 ;;
match T1, T2 with
| Nat, Nat => return Nat
| _,_ => fail
| test0 guard t f =>
Tguard <- type_check Gamma guard ;;
T1 <- type_check Gamma t ;;
T2 <- type_check Gamma f ;;
match Tguard with
| Nat => if eqb_ty T1 T2 then return T1 else fail
| _ => fail
| tlcase t0 t1 x21 x22 t2 =>
match type_check Gamma t0 with
| Some (List T) =>
match type_check Gamma t1,
type_check (update (update Gamma x22 (List T)) x21 T) t2 with
| Some T1', Some T2' =>
if eqb_ty T1' T2' then Some T1' else None
| _,_ => None
| _ => None
| _ => None
Just for fun, we'll do the soundness proof with just a bit more
automation than above, using these "mega-tactics":
Ltac invert_typecheck Gamma t T :=
remember (type_check Gamma t) as TO;
destruct TO as [T|];
try solve_by_invert; try (inversion H0; eauto); try (subst; eauto).
Ltac analyze T T1 T2 :=
destruct T as [T1 T2| |T1 T2|T1| |T1 T2]; try solve_by_invert.
Ltac fully_invert_typecheck Gamma t T T1 T2 :=
let TX := fresh T in
remember (type_check Gamma t) as TO;
destruct TO as [TX|]; try solve_by_invert;
destruct TX as [T1 T2| |T1 T2|T1| |T1 T2];
try solve_by_invert; try (inversion H0; eauto); try (subst; eauto).
Ltac case_equality S T :=
destruct (eqb_ty S T) eqn: Heqb;
inversion H0; apply eqb_ty__eq in Heqb; subst; subst; eauto.
Theorem type_checking_sound : forall Gamma t T,
type_check Gamma t = Some T -> has_type Gamma t T.
Proof with eauto.
intros Gamma t. generalize dependent Gamma.
induction t; intros Gamma T Htc; inversion Htc.
- rename s into x. destruct (Gamma x) eqn:H.
rename t into T'. inversion H0. subst. eauto. solve_by_invert.
invert_typecheck Gamma t1 T1.
invert_typecheck Gamma t2 T2.
analyze T1 T11 T12.
case_equality T11 T2.
rename s into x. rename t into T1.
remember (update Gamma x T1) as Gamma'.
invert_typecheck Gamma' t0 T0.
- eauto.
rename t into t1.
fully_invert_typecheck Gamma t1 T1 T11 T12.
rename t into t1.
fully_invert_typecheck Gamma t1 T1 T11 T12.
invert_typecheck Gamma t1 T1.
invert_typecheck Gamma t2 T2.
analyze T1 T11 T12; analyze T2 T21 T22.
inversion H0. subst. eauto.
invert_typecheck Gamma t1 T1.
invert_typecheck Gamma t2 T2.
invert_typecheck Gamma t3 T3.
destruct T1; try solve_by_invert.
case_equality T2 T3.
rename s into x31. rename s0 into x32.
fully_invert_typecheck Gamma t1 T1 T11 T12.
invert_typecheck Gamma t2 T2.
remember (update (update Gamma x32 (List T11)) x31 T11) as Gamma'2.
invert_typecheck Gamma'2 t3 T3.
case_equality T2 T3.
Theorem type_checking_complete : forall Gamma t T,
has_type Gamma t T -> type_check Gamma t = Some T.
intros Gamma t T Hty.
induction Hty; simpl;
try (rewrite IHHty);
try (rewrite IHHty1);
try (rewrite IHHty2);
try (rewrite IHHty3);
try (rewrite (eqb_ty_refl T));
try (rewrite (eqb_ty_refl T1));
try (rewrite (eqb_ty_refl T2));
- destruct (Gamma x); try solve_by_invert. eauto.
Admitted. End TypecheckerExtensions.
Above, we showed how to write a typechecking function and prove it
sound and complete for the typing relation. Do the same for the
operational semantics -- i.e., write a function stepf of type
tm -> option tm and prove that it is sound and complete with
respect to step from chapter MoreStlc.
Exercise: 5 stars, standard, optional (stlc_step_function)
Module StepFunction.
Import MoreStlc.
Import STLCExtended.
Fixpoint stepf (t : tm) : option tm
. Admitted.
Theorem sound_stepf : forall t t',
stepf t = Some t' -> t --> t'.
Proof. Admitted.
Theorem complete_stepf : forall t t',
t --> t' -> stepf t = Some t'.
Proof. Admitted.
End StepFunction.
Using the Imp parser described in the ImpParser chapter
of Logical Foundations as a guide, build a parser for extended
STLC programs. Combine it with the typechecking and stepping
functions from the above exercises to yield a complete typechecker
and interpreter for this language.
Exercise: 5 stars, standard, optional (stlc_impl)